Grammar and punctuation aren’t the most exciting part of the KS2 school timetable. Often, revising SPAG pulls teachers and their classes away from their more engaging topic-based lessons. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.
Here at now>press>play, our KS2 Grammar & Punctuation resource provides easy-to-use SATs practice materials linked directly to 40+ topics across the curriculum, meaning teachers can capitalise on the engagement from our Experiences to embed grammar and punctuation learning.
How does the Grammar & Punctuation resource work?
In this resource, students are tested with SATs-style questions linked to every part of the KS2 grammar and punctuation curriculum — all based upon the learning from their now>press>play Experience.
Questions include:
- Word class
- Capital letters
- Functions of sentences
- Punctuation
- Apostrophes
- Synonyms and antonyms
- Tense
- Passive and active voice
- Verb forms
- Clauses
- Prefixes and suffixes
- And more…
Linking SPAG revision to your topics
The KS2 Grammar & Punctuation assessments are available alongside 40+ now>press>play KS2 Experiences. This means no matter what subject your class is learning, you always have the opportunity to sharpen their grammar and punctuation skills.
For a full SPAG revision session, this resource can be easily paired with the Glossary that comes alongside each now>press>play Experience. This can help provide topic-based spelling revision for any class.
Making KS2 Grammar and Punctuation accessible
By following the flow of the stories in our Experiences, the KS2 Grammar & Punctuation quizzes are an engaging, accessible way into this very technical subject.
Furthermore, we provide differentiated versions of each quiz available for Years 3-4 and Years 5-6, meaning every student across KS2 has the opportunity to brush up on their SPAG skills.
The KS2 Grammar & Punctuation quizzes complement another new follow-on resource, Recap, Discuss & Quiz — a discussion-based resource that helps embed deeper learning across any of our KS1 and KS2 Experiences.
Read about our other new resources and Experiences for 2022/23: