Sunning Hill Primary School: Four years of curriculum engagement with now>press>play
Sunning Hill Primary School, a two-form entry school in Bolton, have been using now>press>play to increase curriculum engagement amongst their
We’re proud to be working with so many schools who are happy to share the exciting ways now>press>play has supported their learning journeys resulting in such multifaceted benefits.
Explore our different Case Studies’ categories to find out more about the many ways you can use now>press>play!
Sunning Hill Primary School, a two-form entry school in Bolton, have been using now>press>play to increase curriculum engagement amongst their
Academy schools from the Extol Trust explain how they use now>press>play to maximise their curriculum and increase student engagement.
Senior leadership from six schools in LEO Academy Trust explain why they signed up to now>press>play, the impact it has
In the UK, there are over 50,000 deaf children and young people. Assistant Headteacher & SENCO, Michaela Hembling at Glebe
Rakegate Primary School won a month-long trial at ConnectED’s Leadership Conference. We were delighted when after trying out now>press>play they
Senior leadership from John Wheeldon Primary Academy and Moorgate Primary Academy, which are both part of the Staffordshire University Academies
Just add your details and we’ll be in touch with more info about your visit from the National Grid soon.
Just add your details and we’ll be in touch with more info about your visit from the National Grid soon.
To arrange delivery of your equipment, we just need a few details about you and your school.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
Fill in the form> arrange your free trial with your School Manager> improve wellbeing across your school.
Fill in the form> arrange your free trial with your dedicated School Engagement Manager> capture the minds of your pupils> improve wellbeing across your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange free delivery of your resources.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange free delivery of your resources.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
Fill in the form> arrange your free trial> capture the minds of pupils> enrich your curriculum.
Fill in the form> arrange your trial with your dedicated School Manager> capture the minds of your pupils> enrich your curriculum.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
Fill in the form> arrange your FREE trial > skyrocket attainment.
Fill in the form> arrange your trial with your dedicated School Manager> capture the minds of your pupils> skyrocket attainment across the curriculum.
After submitting, check your email for your link and password to our FREE resources.
We’ll also send you some information to help you start your learning journey with the power of sound.
After submitting, check your email for your link and password to our FREE resources. We’ll also send you some information to help you start your learning journey with the power of sound.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
Subscribe to now>press>play before the 10th of June, and get the rest of the summer term FREE!
That’s a 14-month subscription for the price of 12.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
Subscribe to now>press>play before the 10th of June, and get the rest of the summer term FREE!
That’s a 14-month subscription for the price of 12.