How our Reading Comprehension follow-on resources are inclusive

Reading and understanding are critical literacy skills. However, it’s not always easy to find reading comprehension tests that link to your teaching topic, or to your pupils’ other learning experiences. Fortunately, now>press>play makes this possible.

now>press>play provides Reading Comprehension tests linked to 60+ topics across the KS1 and KS2 curriculum, designed to follow on from each of our immersive Experiences.

How our Reading Comprehension tests work

After completing one of our Experiences, the follow-on Reading Comprehensions help your pupils embed what they’ve learned and apply it to test their reading skills. Reading passages in the tests are all taken from our Experiences, meaning children can easily make links to their prior learning.

The tests cover all SATs reading question types, including:

    • Word meaning
    • Retrieval
    • Summarising
    • Inference
    • Prediction
    • Choice of words to enhance meaning
    • Comparison

And more…

Example page of the Reading Comprehension for Now Press Play's KS1 Castles Experience
Part of the Reading Comprehension for our KS1 Castles Experience.
Part of the Reading Comprehension for our upcoming KS2 Mental Maths Experience.

Why not use one of our Reading Comprehensions to segue seamlessly out of a maths lesson, or into a history recap?

The benefits of using now>press>play Reading Comprehensions

Our Reading Comprehensions are:

  • Available across the curriculum: Linked to topics spanning literacy, science, maths, history, PSHE and beyond.
  • Linked to children’s experiences: Learning through experience benefits information retention, helping students embed and improve their reading skills.
  • Inclusive and accessible: Helps children who struggle with their reading to make links to prior learning.
  • Easy to use: Teachers can access all our follow-on resources through the now>press>play app and send them to their school email address at the touch of a button.