Recap, Discuss & Quiz: Our go-to resource for deeper learning

Many teachers are faced with the same question: how can I inspire my students to dig deeper into their learning?

At now>press>play, we’re all about providing experiential learning that gives students a greater understanding of the curriculum. Our follow-on resource, Recap, Discuss & Quiz, helps teachers embed this further across KS1 and KS2.

Combining our old Storyboard, Quiz, and Discussion into one, this is the go-to resource after every now>press>play Experience. Recap, Discuss & Quiz promotes oracy and discussion, helping pupils to voice their opinions, thoughts, and understanding of any now>press>play Experience.

Section 1: Storyboard Discussion

In the Storyboard Discussion, pupils can reflect on events from the Experiences and dig deeper into their issues. Visual aids and carefully-crafted discussion questions help them to consider alternative choices they or other characters could have made and ways in which the stories might reflect their real-world lives. 

Slide showing an example of Storyboard Discussion questions from our Ancient Egypt deeper learning resource.
An example of Storyboard Discussion questions from our Ancient Egypt resource. (from top: visual observation, story & curricular facts, debate & critical thinking, social & emotional wellbeing).

Each discussion question in Recap, Discuss & Quiz relates to one of four teaching themes:

  • Visual observation
  • Story & curricular facts
  • Debate & critical thinking
  • Social & emotional learning

This means teachers can be sure that every now>press>play lesson provides a quality level of in-depth learning for your whole class.

Each discussion question in Recap, Discuss & Quiz relates to one of four teaching themes:

  • Visual observation
  • Story & curricular facts
  • Debate & critical thinking
  • Social & emotional learning

This means teachers can be sure that every now>press>play lesson provides a quality level of in-depth learning for your whole class.

Slide showing an example of Storyboard Discussion questions from our Ancient Egypt deeper learning resource.
An example of Storyboard Discussion questions from our Ancient Egypt resource. (from top: visual observation, story & curricular facts, debate & critical thinking, social & emotional wellbeing).

Section 2: Curriculum Quiz

The “Quiz” portion of Recap, Discuss & Quiz provides a mixture of story and topic-based questions. These test your class on both their memory of the Experience and their skills in the given subject. This is the place to go if you want to assess whether your children have understood the Learning Objectives.

For our Natural Disasters Experience, pupils can test their geographic knowledge of the Earth’s crust, how changes beneath the surface can cause devastating volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and how communities can prepare and protect themselves from natural disasters. 

KS1 Story Jumble

For our KS1 Experiences, we’ve included a useful sequencing Story Jumble at the start of Recap, Discuss & Quiz. This helps children to recognise and recall parts of the story before exploring them in more detail in the Storyboard Discussion.

A school boy in pink Now Press Play headphones solves our new KS1 Story Jumble resource for deeper learning.
The Story Jumble from our KS1 Everyday Materials resource, in which pupils learn about the scientific properties of different materials.
A school boy in pink Now Press Play headphones solves our new KS1 Story Jumble resource for deeper learning.
The Story Jumble from our KS1 Everyday Materials resource, in which pupils learn about the scientific properties of different materials.

The benefits of now>press>play’s follow-on resources

Recap, Discuss & Quiz provides teachers with a ready-made follow-on resource for deeper learning across any of our KS1 and KS2 Experiences. By promoting whole-class discussion, the resource enables students of all abilities to participate and reflect upon their learning.

Recap, Discuss & Quiz also gives teachers flexibility in how they wish to use it, whether it be in the classroom or as part of children’s homework. It also works perfectly alongside our other follow-on resources such as Writing Opportunities, Reading Comprehensions, and new KS2 Grammar & Punctuation tests.

Read about some of our other resources: