Key dates for the school year 2024/25
It’s a new school year, and planning is well underway. Read on to find out how now>press>play’s 100+ Experiences can
Find out more from us and our community about key insights and information on using now>press>play
It’s a new school year, and planning is well underway. Read on to find out how now>press>play’s 100+ Experiences can
At now>press>play, we’re proud to provide a tool for teachers to engage and support all children with their learning in
For EYFS teachers, because vocabulary is an important feature of the early years curriculum, making this subject engaging is essential
Who says grammar and punctuation revision can’t be fun? Find out how our new resource helps make this subject engaging and accessible.
Our brand-new primary school resource Recap, Discuss & Quiz helps teachers embed learning across the KS1 and KS2 curriculum.
Help your school celebrate Recycle Week with now>press>play’s immersive KS1 and KS2 Experiences and follow-on resources.
Just add your details and we’ll be in touch with more info about your visit from the National Grid soon.
Just add your details and we’ll be in touch with more info about your visit from the National Grid soon.
To arrange delivery of your equipment, we just need a few details about you and your school.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
Fill in the form> arrange your free trial with your School Manager> improve wellbeing across your school.
Fill in the form> arrange your free trial with your dedicated School Engagement Manager> capture the minds of your pupils> improve wellbeing across your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange free delivery of your resources.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange free delivery of your resources.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
Share a few details and discover how immersive experiences could work in your school.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
Fill in the form> arrange your free trial> capture the minds of pupils> enrich your curriculum.
Fill in the form> arrange your trial with your dedicated School Manager> capture the minds of your pupils> enrich your curriculum.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
Fill in the form> arrange your FREE trial > skyrocket attainment.
Fill in the form> arrange your trial with your dedicated School Manager> capture the minds of your pupils> skyrocket attainment across the curriculum.
After submitting, check your email for your link and password to our FREE resources.
We’ll also send you some information to help you start your learning journey with the power of sound.
After submitting, check your email for your link and password to our FREE resources. We’ll also send you some information to help you start your learning journey with the power of sound.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange your trial.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to arrange delivery of your equipment.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
Subscribe to now>press>play before the 10th of June, and get the rest of the summer term FREE!
That’s a 14-month subscription for the price of 12.
You’re on your way to using now>press>play, we just need a few details about you and your school to set you up for your learning adventure.
Subscribe to now>press>play before the 10th of June, and get the rest of the summer term FREE!
That’s a 14-month subscription for the price of 12.