With British Science Week on the horizon, there’s no better way to energise learning across the curriculum than by tapping into your pupils’ creativity – because memorable experiences lead to memorable learning.
Blast off and experience Mars’ lesser gravity, meet Charles Darwin and journey through time; collect samples of solids, liquids, and gases so you can build your own home; and discover exactly what plants need to survive.
Let’s explore the possibilities…
It was an hour the children will never forget; an hour which brought to life the science for them, in a way which I could never have achieved.
Lorenzo McLellan, Year 6 Teacher.
Key Stage 1 Science Experiences

Discover that most living things live in habitats they’re suited to and describe how different habitats provide the basic needs of plants and animals.

Everyday Materials
Understand about different materials and their properties, recycling centres, what happens there and the dangers of plastic.

Explore humans’ basic needs for survival (water, food, air), the importance of eating the right amounts of different food and the role of exercise and hygiene.

Find out about animal groups and what they eat, how to take care of animals and their basic needs for survival.

Learn the names of the four seasons, how weather changes across them and how that affects animals and nature.

Discover how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants, that they need water, light and a suitable temperature, as well as the basic structure of common plants.
Key Stage 2 Science Experiences

Discover different types of rock (sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic), how they form and different kinds of rock (chalk, granite, slate, marble) and their simple physical properties.

Learn the essential components of a circuit: battery, bulb (in this case), conductive wire, ways to increase/decrease the power of a circuit and the importance of electricity in our daily lives.

Materials & Changing States
Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases and observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled.

Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases and observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled.

Find out how animals become suited to their environment over time by inheriting favourable characteristics and how Charles Darwin proved the theory of evolution.

Understand that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity and identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces.

Mission to Mars
Learn about gravity (there’s less on Mars; its effect on us as we try to leave the earth), the moons orbiting their planets and human space-travel.
now>press>play's Science Star stickers
To encourage everyone to join and get engaged by STEM subjects, we’ve created now>press>play Science Star Stickers for your pupils to wear with pride. All you have to do is share with us a photo of your pupils taking part in one of our STEM Experiences or their science inspired creations from participating and we’ll send you their very own stickers! (As modelled by Big H below!)

If you haven’t got now>press>play in school yet, you can book your free trial of now>press>play for two whole weeks, go on a STEM immersive adventure and you’ll still be able to win those stickers! We have over 100 different curriculum-based Experiences to choose from.
Schools taking part
We really enjoyed learning about what plants need to grow using @nowpressplay today during science week. #LPSscience pic.twitter.com/et3lJwnMnj
— 1AP (@1AP_LPS) March 8, 2021
3C are enjoying Science this afternoon! We ? rocks! @nowpressplay @SunningHillPrim pic.twitter.com/4MwcrZf2ek
— SHPYear3 (@SHPYear3) March 8, 2021
@nowpressplay outside for #NationalScienceWeek what a great first day back fully for Y6! pic.twitter.com/hQdZm8SVr4
— StMichaels (@JuniorChurchSch) March 8, 2021
#Year6 have been using @nowpressplay to help immerse ourselves into our new topic for #ScienceWeek2021 pic.twitter.com/raIHgjCxYy
— Morningside Primary School (@Morningside_ps) March 8, 2021
Lucky enough to trial @nowpressplay today @BarleyPrimary. We took part in a plant adventure like no other! What a fantastic experience. pic.twitter.com/dv1QOFBeAv
— Year 3/4 Mrs Neave (@2Neave) March 5, 2021
What a great way to start back at school and celebrate #scienceweek Learning about the seasons with @nowpressplay Active learning with all our friends @AllAboutSTEMSch @BritSciAssociat pic.twitter.com/yJFRkfKnIk
— Whitefield Primary (@WhitefieldPS) March 8, 2021
The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day to be learning outside! How will you make sure you get your dose of fresh air and sunshine today? Reception have been out in their outdoor classroom and Year 2 have been on a plant growing exploration with @nowpressplay ???⭐️☀️ pic.twitter.com/Sl8HrsXldh
— Broadmead Primary School (@BroadmeadTPA) March 9, 2021
Year 4 enjoyed their Science Week experience! @nowpressplay @ScienceWeekUK pic.twitter.com/mx7CWZvWQ0
— Brandling Primary (@Brandling1) March 9, 2021
Science week in 2T. Enjoying an immersive experience all about healthy eating. Then designing our own healthy celebration meals. @nowpressplay #NPSScience #ScienceWeek pic.twitter.com/JzSNLCpvxV
— Miss Bouston (@NPS5B) March 9, 2021
#materialscience #BritishScienceWeek @nowpressplay pic.twitter.com/zzZY5PRcE1
— Educationinsmallruralcoastalcofeprimary (@Educationinsma1) March 9, 2021
Year 3 LOVED their first experience of @nowpressplay today. They listened to a “rock adventure” and enjoyed actively taking part! #activestories #bringingitalive #lovestories pic.twitter.com/msCtAPlLND
— St Peter's Primary (@StPetersCroydon) March 9, 2021
Today we used @nowpressplay to consolidate what we have learned about Solids, liquids and gases. We were aliens who were exploring planet Earth and discovering different solids, liquids and gases ? #BritishScienceWeek pic.twitter.com/KsEgoK2E0u
— Whitefield Primary (@WhitefieldPS) March 9, 2021
Purple class went on a futuristic @nowpressplay adventure all about recycling, how to be kind to the environment and how to be an eco super hero ?♀️ ?♂️ #BSW21 @ScienceWeekUK pic.twitter.com/mBeLk09XGK
— Hargrave Park School (@HargravePark) March 10, 2021
Year 4 Hawthorn have just enjoyed a mission to Mars with @nowpressplay! pic.twitter.com/qsoco0Mkno
— The Pines School (@thepinesprimary) March 12, 2021
5A really enjoyed using @nowpressplay to learn about materials. We were aliens ? who travelled to Earth ? to investigate solids, liquids and gases. #BritishScienceWeek pic.twitter.com/eHtCFkGzDm
— Whitefield Primary (@WhitefieldPS) March 11, 2021
Immersive science experience for Y6 this morning courtesy of @nowpressplay #sustainability #ScienceWeek2021 pic.twitter.com/ShrgndQJfy
— St Mary Queen of Martyrs VCA (@stmaryqueenofm) March 11, 2021
Today, Y2 have been learning about materials. We conducted a Science experiment to investigate which material was the most absorbent. To ‘absorb’ knowledge further, we took part in an immersive @nowpressplay experience in the hall with @MrHand07 ☺️ @parishschool1 #parishpride pic.twitter.com/kogdRnfdJu
— Mr Hardy (@MrHardy17) March 11, 2021
Another fantastic science experience this week.@ScienceWeekUK @nowpressplay https://t.co/tq8Eg20klE
— Northleigh Primary (@NorthleighCofE) March 12, 2021
4SB have been using @nowpressplay to help them learn about Electricity for their @Cornerstonesedu topic ‘Road Trip USA!’ #ScienceWeek2021 pic.twitter.com/hLhj5ay9qK
— Beeches School (@BeechesSchool) March 12, 2021
During science week, 4DC used the @nowpressplay electricity module to support their learning, as part of the ‘Road Trip USA’ topic ?? pic.twitter.com/jUgzwka234
— Beeches School (@BeechesSchool) March 15, 2021
Year 3 had such fun acting out a scene from @nowpressplay for @ScienceWeekUK, learning about friction, different surfaces and gravity too. They were also busy investigating friction with a variety of materials, making their own car ramps. pic.twitter.com/Gmq7uvW0pM
— Macaulay Church of England Primary School (@Macaulaycofe) March 12, 2021
4F are really enjoying using @nowpressplay to learn about habitats this afternoon! pic.twitter.com/P1S0wmm96h
— Hillstone School (@HillstonePS) March 15, 2021