Over the years, Key Stage 1 teachers have told us that they’re using our EYFS Experiences with their KS1 classes, including our Traditional Tales and Natural World Experiences. We’ve therefore decided to make all of our EYFS content suitable for Years 1 and 2, by adding all the relevant KS1 follow-on resources.
This means our KS1 offering has effectively doubled, taking the number of relevant Experiences to 45!
All these EYFS Experiences will appear in the KS1 section of the now>press>play app, within an appropriate subject (for example, most of the EYFS ‘Natural World’ Experiences will be found in KS1 Science).
Which KS1 follow-on resources will accompany these EYFS Experiences?
The Experiences will be accompanied by our SATs-style Reading Comprehensions, allowing the children to read about the world they’ve just been exploring, and then analyse it. This is a great exercise for reluctant readers, especially as we chunk things smaller than the actual SATs paper:
They will also include our Writing Opportunities. After doing any now>press>play Experience, children are inspired and excited to take pen to paper, and write about what they’ve just done, where they’ve been and who they met. Our Writing Opportunities can be used as they are, or serve as inspiration for teachers’ own ideas.
And of course, Key Stage 1 teachers might still want to take advantage of the EYFS resources which accompany these Experiences, such as ‘Recap, Create and Play’ (to discuss the Experience and then take part in creative activities) as well as use our hand-illustrated Word Mats.
Read about our new Experiences and follow-on resources for 2023/24: