In order for Rosliston CE Primary School to subscribe to now>press>play they required Governor’s approval so the school’s Y5/Y6 teacher decided to recruit her class to write persuasive letters to the Governors.
The teacher’s letter:
Dear Rosliston Governors,
Upper Juniors had an amazing learning experience on Wednesday 28th November and wanted to share their opinions with you, in an attempt to persuade you to invest in an amazing, immersive learning opportunity.
We had a thrilling visit from Rob Richardson from ‘Now Press Play’. He came and gave us a free demonstration using all of the brilliant equipment.
We had a ‘Stone Age’ lesson using the 35 robust, wireless headsets (which are a jazzy, pink colour) and we really felt like we’d been transported back in time!
Please find enclosed, a selection of the children’s persuasive writing. I’ve also included the information from ‘Now Press Play’ for your consideration.
We thank you for your taking the time to read our writing and for considering such an important investment!
Kind regards.
The children’s letters:
Well done to an inspiring teacher who found a way to give real purpose to their children’s writing. We think these letters are truly amazing. Of course, these incredible persuasive letters did the job for the governors, and Rosliston CE began their now>press>play journey in February 2019.