Rakegate Primary School won a month-long trial at ConnectED’s Leadership Conference. We were delighted when after trying out now>press>play they decided to subscribe to our drama-based resource but how did they get on during their trial?
The school’s feedback on using now>press>play
We were lucky to win a month’s trial of now>press>play from the ConnectEd Leadership Conference. Each year group, from Nursery through to Year 6, have all had the opportunity to take part in an Experience.
The feedback from staff and children has been extremely positive and staff have commented on how immersed the children were in the Experiences, particularly children who would normally be reluctant to participate in drama-based activities.
We are looking forward to using this resource more as we are going to subscribe once the trial is completed.
— Sarah Horton, Headteacher, Rakegate Primary School
Year 1’s Immersive Experience: The Great Fire of London
“We thoroughly enjoyed the Experience. Very easy to use. It was nice to be able to take part alongside the children. Interactive and engaging. The children remembered many interesting facts from the Experience.
Children also thoroughly enjoyed the Experience. They were very excited to take part and maintained concentration for the whole time.”
— Miss Livesey, Year 1 teacher
Year 2’s Immersive Experience: Castles
“Children enjoyed it and were engaged; the vocabulary sheet was helpful. They liked it. We used the follow-on resources for adjectives, nouns and verbs.”
—Aruna Patel, Year 2 lead teacher
“The children were really immersed in the Experience. All were able to participate in the Experience, and the children really enjoyed it. It was something different and we got to move around. They would like to do it again.
We used the quiz follow-on resource. It was great — related well to the Experience.”
— Mrs Meredith, Year 2 teaching staff
Reception’s Immersive Experience: Goldilocks

“We all really enjoyed the Experience. It was easy to set up and all the children were engaged. It was especially beneficial for the EAL children who enjoyed acting out the story.
The children were all very positive about the Experience and asked if they could do it again.”
— Stacey Green and Lucy Bowdley, Reception teaching staff
We’re so pleased that the children and staff at Rakegate continue to use now>press>play to enrich their curriculum. Many thanks to them for sharing their experience with us.
If you’re interested in trying our immersive drama-based resources in your school, please get in touch to arrange your free two-week trial.