Next year, you’ll have access to 10 brand new Experiences as part of your now>press>play subscription.
Released throughout the year, you’ll be able to take your class through time to return toys to the right era, save General Fu Hao in the Shang Dynasty, and discover how all the seasons affect the weather and animals in four separate EYFS Experiences.
To fill you in, our Head of Stories Anna has given a quick rundown of what happens in each new Experience.

EYFS Seasons
Understand autumn weather (wind and col), animal behaviours such as hibernating or collecting nuts, leaves changing colour and falling, and how to dress appropriately.
Discover winter weather (cold, ice, and snow), activities like making a snowman and having a snowball fight, and how there are bare trees and fewer animals as they are sleeping or gone away.
Learn about spring weather (showers and some warmth), baby animals and new plants, and how to dress appropriately. You’ll also help out your family by taking Pickle for a walk.
Find out about hot summer weather, how to cool down and protect yourself (e.g. wearing sun cream, a hat, and drinking juice), and help your family by watering the plants and picking vegetables.
KS1 Toys
Learn all about toys: different materials (e.g. wood or plastic) and technologies (such as electric toys) through the ages. Explore Victorian times, the 1960s, the 1990s, and the modern day.
KS1 Guy Fawkes
Find out about the central characters of Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby, and Lord Monteagle. Be immersed in the key moments: plotting in the pub, hiding the gunpowder, and the letter that leads to Fawkes’ arrest, and learn about religious tensions and the suppression of the Catholic religion.
KS2 Shang Dynasty
Discover the advances in technology, knowledge, and art (writing, bronze work, jade jewellery, silk weaving) that happened in the Shang Dynasty. Also, you’ll learn about their military power and religious practices and meet General Fu Hao, a female general.
KS2 Rivers
Understand river features, including the source, meanders, waterfalls, tributaries, and delta. Follow the flow of rivers downstream towards the sea, and explore humans’ historical use of rivers. You’ll also find out about the river Indus, with its source in the Himalayas and its delta in Karachi, Pakistan.
KS2 Climate Crisis
Understand the effects of global heating including floods, droughts, bushfires, and melting ice caps. Learn how the emission of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is a reason for global heating, and the role of government – and public activism – in solving the climate crisis.
KS2 Mental Maths
Use your maths skills to calculate sums using a range of strategies and practise calculating mentally and at speed. This will help you solve a musical “whodunnit,” where you’ll learn about different musical instruments and styles along the way.
Alongside our new Experiences, we’ve released brand new follow-on resources for EYFS, KS1, and KS2. Read more here.
You can get all our released Experiences in your school by booking a 2-week free trial here.