A free event for Northampton Schools in preparation for Science Week!

We are delighted to have teamed up with Woodland View Primary School to offer a FREE ‘Travelling to Mars’ workshop available to all Northampton schools.
The event will focus on Space Exploration and is open to Year 5-6 pupils. It will be a fantastic opportunity for children from local schools to mix and learn together, for teachers to network, to find out more about now>press>play and to kick-start your work in preparation for Science Week!
During the afternoon pupils from Woodland View will showcase the work they’ve done using the resource in the school and it’s impact. Everyone will then take part in our immersive audio KS2 Experience – in which we will go on a Mission to Mars! – and a discussion around the main themes of Space Exploration will follow.
On a school trip to NASA, you and your classmates are accidentally sent on a space mission to Mars. Will you survive the 300-day journey to the Red Planet? And will you ever make it back home? Listen to a sound extract.
In our Mission to Mars Experience pupils will:
- Meet Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, and Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space
- Maintain a space shuttle
- Be the first humans to walk on Mars, where there’s less gravity
- Search for signs of life on Mars
- Weather a martian dust storm
- Knock a meteorite headed for Earth off course
British Science Week, run by the British Science Association is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths, featuring entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages. The aim is to engage and inspire people of all ages with science, engineering and technology and this year it will take place between 8th – 17th March. Getting involved in British Science Week is really easy, and you can take part in lots of different ways. Check out British Science Association website for ways to plan your activities, Activity Packs and How to Guides: www.britishscienceweek.org.

now>press>play is an immersive audio resource for EYFS, KS1 & KS2. It extends children’s life experiences, inspires imagination and creative writing, and produces outstanding engagement in even the most reluctant of learners.
Places are limited. To register an interest for your school or for more information please email head@woodlandview.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Contact us hello@nowpressplay.co.uk or call 0203 727 5592