Well done, you’ve made it to the end of another term! We think that teachers are absolute stars, but we know that your jobs come with their own fair share of stress. To help support teacher wellbeing, we’ve pulled together five of the best tips for you to start relaxing during this break.
Hopefully, you will return to the classroom refreshed and happy!
1. Have fun
Get out there and do something purely for enjoyment!
According to the mental health charity Mind, making time for regular leisure activities can help you release tension. Whether you unwind by soaking in a hot bath, browsing through your favourite books, gardening or photography, the important point is to enjoy the activity purely for itself.
Why not go to the library, or start on that novel you have been meaning to read, and then promise yourself an hour a day for these activities when school starts again?

2. Be active
Banish the blues by getting a bit hot and sweaty.
The NHS recommends you get moving! Exercise won’t make your stress disappear, but it will reduce some of the emotional intensity that you’re feeling, clearing your thoughts and enabling you to deal with your problems more calmly.
A break from school offers the perfect chance to dust off those trainers and get running outdoors or to join a gym and beat the new year rush!

3. Be mindful
A calm mind is a few breaths away.
For the pharmacy Boots, Mindfulness is the key to relaxation. But don’t worry — this doesn’t mean hours of sitting in silence! The idea is to be mindful of something and appreciate it in the present moment, blocking everything else out.
Practising mindfulness on your commute or getting to your classroom five minutes early are both easy ways to de-stress.

4. Listen to music
Crank up the volume.
Research cited by WebMD shows that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety. They recommend creating a playlist of songs or nature sounds (the ocean, a bubbling brook, birds chirping) and allowing your mind to focus on the different melodies, instruments or singers in the piece.
If you’re a teacher, perhaps make a playlist for travelling to and from work to improve your wellbeing and get you in the mood, regardless of how you travel.
5. Say thank you
Gratitude can bring you joy.
Reading Horizons has some tips for teachers specifically over the holidays. They suggest that you take the time to say those two simple words: “thank you.” For all the occasions a colleague helped you out, make sure you thank them for their kindness. This can be as simple as sending a card or a note, but it’s still important.
If you’re feeling particularly grateful, maybe even take the time to send a thank you note to that coworker you don’t always get along with so well.

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