What different trainings do you offer to your schools?
We offer all of our schools one training per year. You can choose from any of these options:
- Top-up training: Refresh your teachers’ NPP knowledge, look at in-depth features of the product and get familiar with Story Starters, which are available for all schools after their first year of subscription.
- Literacy training: Explore strategies for using our literacy Experiences, literacy follow-on resources and our Story Starters to boost Tier 3 vocabulary, reading comprehension skills and creative writing.
- PSHE training: See how now>press>play’s PSHE content gets your children situating difficult conversations in real-life contexts – as well as how all of our Experiences can be used to open up PSHE themes.
We also run:
- Beginner’s Guide to now>press>play:any of your new teachers (or any in need of a reminder!) can jump onto a joint training. Register for 30th January or 3rd February.
Please get in touch with your School Manager or contact us at support@nowpressplay.co.uk to book a training.