We're delighted to have been recognised and featured in a number of press publications.
Get in touch with us at and we’ll be happy to connect.

Find out why now>press>play has been named as Business and Industry Today's “Company of the Month” for January 2023.

Find out why now>press>play has been named as Business and Industry Today's “Company of the Month” for January 2023.

ICT Evangelist Mark Anderson shared now>press>play as one of his top edtech resource recommendations for #Appvent 2022.

ICT Evangelist Mark Anderson shared now>press>play as one of his top edtech resource recommendations for #Appvent 2022.

now>press>play COO Tilly chats with Teachers Talk Radio about how play and sound can benefit everybody, including SEND children.

now>press>play COO Tilly chats with Teachers Talk Radio about how play and sound can benefit everybody, including SEND children.

Martin Bailey, digital enrichment leader and ICT specialist at Lanchester EP Primary School, reviews the impact of using now>press>play across the school.

Martin Bailey, digital enrichment leader and ICT specialist at Lanchester EP Primary School, reviews the impact of using now>press>play across the school.

Our co-founder Oscar appeared on the excellent Dogsthorpe podcast to chat about how our pink headphones create immersive learning for schools.

Our co-founder Oscar appeared on the excellent Dogsthorpe podcast to chat about how our pink headphones create immersive learning for their school.

Our co-founder Oscar explains now>press>play's approach to learning in a Q&A with journalist Meredith Jones Russell.

Our co-founder Oscar explains now>press>play's approach to learning in a Q&A with journalist Meredith Jones Russell.

Our COO Tilly talks to NetSupport about now>press>play, her career and the magic of audio in education.

Our COO Tilly talks to NetSupport about now>press>play, her career and the magic of audio in education.

Two now>press>play advocate teachers discuss simple ways to use sound to create powerful learning.

Two now>press>play advocate teachers discuss simple ways to use sound to create powerful learning.

Our CEO and co-founder Alice shares her advice for networking and making a difference as a business.

Our CEO and co-founder Alice shares her advice for networking and making a difference as a business.

Our Head of Marketing Alyssa discusses how sound builds children’s resilience, creativity, communication and empathy.

Our Head of Marketing Alyssa discusses how sound builds children’s resilience, creativity, communication and empathy.

Our Digital Marketing Manager Tegen examines the impact of our immersive approach upon children's emotional skills.

Our Digital Marketing Manager Tegen examines the impact of our immersive approach upon children's emotional skills.

A pupil from Chisenhale Primary School reviews now>press>play's learning Experiences, calling them a “fun and exciting way to learn.”