Next year, you’ll have access to 4 new Experiences, our brand new Story Starters for KS2 and new follow-on resources for EYFS and KS1, all part of your now>press>play subscription.
Released throughout the year, you’ll be able to teach your class how to navigate different relationships, take them on a trip through the five oceans and immerse them in a soundscape that inspires their creative writing.

EYFS Recap, Create & Play
This jam-packed resource for Early Years begins with discussion questions about the story, its social and emotional themes, and visual observation of images. Creative art and design ideas are followed by drama and role-play activities, enabling teachers to extend the imaginative world of the Experience into their classroom.
KS1 Resources for EYFS Experiences
KS1 teachers have told us that they’re using many Experiences designed for EYFS, such as our Traditional Tales. We’ve responded by giving all of these Experiences the relevant KS1 Follow-On Resources, including Writing Opportunities and our SATs-style Reading Comprehension. This means KS1 teachers now have double the number of Experiences to use!
EYFS We Are All Different
Learn about the differences between people, as well as the similarities between all of us as you plan a surprise party for your friend, Chan. Explore the wide range of cultures, abilities, care-givers, homes and foods as well as the importance of working together to help others.

KS1 Oceans & Seas
Discover the different oceans and seas in the world and the environmental threats whilst you try to help Vylka the polar bear return to her home in the Arctic.

KS1 Healthy Relationships
Understand the importance of kindness and empathy. Learn how to be independent as well as be able to ask others for help as you look for your little sister, Grace, at the funfair.

KS2 Healthy Relationships
Explore the concept of healthy and unhealthy relationships as you find yourself at the centre of a tricky friendship triangle. You’ll also learn about power and control within relationships and the emotions involved.

KS2 Story Starters
This brand new product inspires children to produce quality writing using immersive audio. After listening to a short story which ends on a cliffhanger, the class puts pen to paper to finish it off. Or if you prefer, there’s a more focused piece of descriptive writing. Teachers will be provided with a lesson structure, including vocabulary and ideas to stimulate the children’s work. Pick from six different titles!

To The Stone Circle
You and your uncle have found a place to settle with your cattle. You start clearing trees with flint axes – but your uncle chops into his own leg. He’s too weak to walk and wolves are closing in. You need to get him to Stonehenge, a place where people are healed.

Artemis & The Labyrinth
It’s 1300 BC on the island of Crete, and when Eleni quips that she wishes weren’t your sister, she turns into a mouse. Suspecting divine intervention, you pray to the goddess Artemis. Artemis reveals that to return your sister to human form, you must bring her a snake-shaped necklace – from a labyrinth, guarded by a twelve-headed wolf.

The Village & The Volcano
Safe in the knowledge that it hasn’t exploded for a thousand years, you and your Grandpa head up the volcano which looms over your village. When Grandpa runs out of steam, you carry on alone.As you reach the peak, the ground begins to shake – it’s erupting.How will you get Grandpa down? And how will you warn the village?

Emergency on the Moon
You’re the head gardener on the human settlement you inhabit on the Moon. As you tend to your plants in the bio-dome, something punctures the dome’s skin. It’s a meteor, and it’s not the only one. How will you avoid an emergency on the Moon?

The Secret Tomb
While exploring Egypt’s Valley of the Kings with your uncle, a flash flood sweeps you into an underground tunnel, decorated with intricate paintings. The only way is further in. What lies ahead? And will you ever get out?

My Home, the Rainforest
On the banks of the Xingu River in the Amazon rainforest, you and your grandmother are grinding seed pods to make traditional body paint. After deciding to move on to your next place to live, you see that the river is drying up. You have to find out why your precious life-source is disappearing.
We’re so excited to share all this new content with you next year. Don’t miss out by booking your 2-week free trial!