It’s not always easy to inspire great literacy work from your class, particularly with reluctant and less confident writers. However, when you witness experiences in person, research shows that it’s far easier to retain key information, vocabulary, and imaginative ideas to use in creative writing.
This is where now>press>play’s resources come in. Our Writing Opportunities are linked to 60+ topics across the KS1 and KS2 curriculum, designed to follow on from each of our immersive Experiences and inspire every pupil to be creative.
How our Writing Opportunities work
In a now>press>play Experience, children learn through imagination and emotion. Our Writing Opportunities give them the framework for translating this into their own words.
Each resource contains several options for descriptive, persuasive, narrative, expository and journal writing, inspired by the events children have witnessed in the Experience. This means you can either choose what you want your class to produce or let them pick the task that inspires them the most.
By using our Glossary follow-on resource alongside this, you can further embed key topic vocabulary in your pupils’ writing.
Our Writing Opportunities include:
- Newspaper reports
- Poems
- Instruction booklets/leaflets
- Diary entries
- Adventure stories & narratives
- Persuasive letters
And more…
Why not read our Exceptional Explorers competition winners blog to find examples of creative work across various topics inspired by our Writing Opportunities?
The benefits of using now>press>play Writing Opportunities
Our Writing Opportunities are:
- Available across the curriculum: The prompts are linked to topics spanning literacy, science, maths, history, PSHE and beyond.
- Built around children’s experiences: Because they’ve been part of an Experience, children retain information and key vocabulary and can more easily convey emotion and descriptive language in their writing.
- Inclusive and accessible: Our Product Impact Report shows that now>press>play helps reluctant and less confident learners to translate their physical experiences into writing.
- Easy to use: Teachers can access all our follow-on resources through the now>press>play app and send them to their school email address at the touch of a button.