Exceptional Explorers Competition – extended deadline!

We’ve extended our Exceptional Explorers competition deadline!

We understand that it’s been a busy term, with SATs and residential trips taking up a lot of teachers’ time. Resources are scarce, and finding the time for writing isn’t easy.

But, not to worry, we’re more than happy to reward your Exceptional Explorers into the next year, which is why we’re extending the competition deadline to Friday 16th September.

Take your pupils on an unmissable now>press>play adventure and invite them to recap their Experience in a written or visual piece of work. You can even set this as a task for the Summer holidays!

Think scrapbook, travel journal, diary entries… the possibilities are endless! Just have fun, be creative & explore.

What is the prize?

1st Prize – your work will be published in our Exceptional Explorers Scrapbook and you will receive a physical copy to show all your classmates, friends and family. Your teacher will receive a copy, too!

All entries – all participants will receive our brand new Exceptional Explorers badge.

Key dates:

Competition opens – 16th May

New deadline for entries – 16th September

Winners announced – 7th October

How to Enter:

Entries must be submitted by 16th September 2022 17:00 BST.

Entries are open to all pupils aged 3-12 years old.

Teachers should submit entries on behalf of their pupils by email to stephanie@nowpressplay.co.uk or by post to now>press>play, Falkirk Street, London, N1 6HQ.

Put on the #pinkheadphones and choose which immersive adventure you want to embark on and then recap in your piece of work.

You can look through our 100+ Experiences by Key Stage and subject (EYFSKS1KS2) or search the Experience Planner below to get inspired.

Click to open full calendar

Read our full Terms & Conditions here.

Writing Opportunities:

Spark pupils’ creativity and inspire their writing by doing one of our Writing Opportunities with your class after the Experience. We have compiled a list of suggested writing tasks for each KS1 and KS2 Experience. Search by writing task type in this spreadsheet.

If you haven’t got now>press>play in your school yet, claim your free trial now so that you can also take part in our competitions.

Good luck!

A young boy listening through pink headphones, immersed in an imaginary rainforest scene