We’re delighted to announce our collaboration with Fieldwork Education and their International Primary Curriculum (IPC).
The IPC is a curriculum for children aged 5-11 and is improving learning in schools in over 92 countries worldwide. It is a thematic, skills-based curriculum with a clear process of learning and specific subject-learning goals across all IPC units. It also develops “international mindedness” and encourages personal learning.
now>press>play is thrilled to work with the IPC, as we both have a founding belief that children learn best through learning environments that are fun, engaging and creative. Some of the very first schools we worked with followed the IPC. In fact, an IPC unit inspired one of our very first Experiences – Mission to Mars.
“Our organisations share a passion for bringing the curriculum to life through creativity and imagination and we look forward to working closely with the IPC as we develop our offering for schools.”
Alice Lacey, CEO and Co-Founder of now>press>play
We’ve mapped our 90+ audio Experiences to the International Primary Curriculum, and we’re excited at how well they fit. Schools can use our Experiences as a whole class activity or with smaller groups for intervention work. They work particularly well as an IPC Entry Point and Knowledge Harvest activity for an IPC Unit. We add new Experiences and resources every year, so watch this space for an ever-evolving partnership between now>press>play and Fieldwork Education.

“This is another fantastic collaboration that we’re very excited about. The journey of mapping our International Primary Curriculum (IPC) units to the now>press>play Experiences has shown us just how interlinked we are. The feedback that we’ve received so far from schools has been hugely encouraging. We’re looking forward to continuing to work together with now>press>play.”
Anna Vaughan, Head of IPC at Fieldwork Education.