The crisp Autumn air, new shiny shoes and fresh new school books… we all remember returning to school as children after the seemingly endless summer holidays with mixed emotions. But what is it like starting the new school year as a teacher? How do you start as you mean to go on? We spoke to some top teachers who shared their top tips with us.
1. Teach behaviour by example
@chrishildrew is Headteacher at Churchill Academy and author of “Becoming a growth mindset school”. He suggests that as a teacher you should learn the behaviour policy and follow it — and always ask if you’re not sure of anything!
2. Set the bar high
@Benneypenyrheol is Deputy Head (and a science teacher) at Penyrheol Comprehensive. He suggests that you spend time communicating and embedding routines and expectations. Set the bar high from the word go. And enjoy!
3. Be mindful
@mindfulpedagogy is a primary school teacher with a passion for meditation and mindful approaches to teaching and learning for children. For him, a good start to the year is simple:
- Have a cup of tea to yourself before school and directly after school. 10mins. Do not try and multitask. Just enjoy it. You deserve it.
- Only ever meet parents after your tea! Keeping distance between the “school day” and “after school” is so important!
4. Take inspiration from reading
@MrBayew is a KS3 lead, teaching maths, science and geography. For back to school tips, he recommends taking inspiration from a book and advises that you read Teach Like a Champion by @Doug_Lemov.
5. Get to know your pupils
@RichardJCanning says that you should use your first lesson to help you understand your students’ strengths and weaknesses as people.
So, follow a few of these top tips and you’ll be starting the school year with a bang! Now, for that all-important cup of tea…
If you have any more tips to add, please let us know via our social media pages: