A free event for North East Schools on ‘Stop Speak Support Cyberbullying Day’.
Thursday 15th November 1.30-3.00pm, Lanchester E P. Primary School, Durham, DH7 0HU.
Anti Bullying Week 2018 is being held between the 12th and 16th November and this year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’. The week is a great opportunity to reinforce the messages about how your school approaches bullying.
We are delighted to have teamed up with Animate 2 Educate to offer a FREE ‘Anti Bullying Week’ workshop available to all North East schools.
The event, held during Anti Bullying Week, will focus on both cyberbullying and anti bullying and is open to Year 5 & 6 pupils. This is a great opportunity for Digital Leaders, School Councillors, Buddies, House Captains etc.
Places are limited so we are inviting schools to send up to 4 pupils with a maximum of 15 schools in attendance.
During the afternoon pupils will experience an Online Safety workshop with Martin Bailey (Director of Animate 2 Educate Ltd) and two immersive now>press>play Experiences. The first workshop will empower pupils to know what to do if they are being bullied and what steps to take if they see someone being bullied. It will also explore the long-term impact bullying can have on friendships, self-esteem as well as emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
In our Online Safety Experience, pupils will learn about the dangers of giving out personal information online and the importance of reporting online abuse and how to go about it. They will also have the opportunity to experience the difference between online and offline friends.
To book places for your school or for more information please email info@animate2educate.co.uk
now>press>play is an immersive audio resource for EYFS, KS1 & KS2. It extends children’s life experiences, inspires imagination and creative writing, and produces outstanding engagement in even the most reluctant of learners.
Animate 2 Educate
Animate 2 Educate use the latest in ICT technologies to teach curriculum topics in a fun and creative way and provides staff training sessions. In schools throughout the North East they bring the curriculum to life for any topic and for any Key Stage.