Mission to Mars
On a school trip to NASA, you and your classmates are accidentally sent on a mission to Mars. Over the 300-day journey, you have to guide the shuttle on its course, repair damage from a meteorite and learn how to survive in zero gravity. Will you ever make it back home?
In this Experience, your class will learn about:
- Human space travel (NASA, Neil Armstrong, Valentina Tereshkova, surviving on a shuttle)
- Differences in gravity on Earth, Mars and in space
- Moons orbiting their planets
- Things we find in space (meteorites, space rubble)
Resources for each Experience include:
- For KS1 & KS2: Recap, Discuss & Quiz; Glossary; Reading Comprehension; Grammar & Punctuation; Writing Opportunities
- For EYFS: Recap, Create & Play; Word Mat; Actions Storyboard; Song lyrics & mp3s (for some Experiences)